A-"God" 本季第十發HR出籠
而且還是一發三分的逆轉砲,幫 Yankees 以 8:6 sweep 笑臉人。即便如此,可愛的紐約球迷還是有話要說,請聽聽他們這番"酒後的心聲":
I love what a-rod's doing. But for God's sake I hope he stops jumping
around the bases like a 12 year old that just won the little league world
series. It's not very professional, not to mention yankee-like. I guess he's
just getting used to coming up big in important situations and he's in the
honeymoon stage or whatever. Other clutch players seem to just put their head down and trot, like they expected to hit a homer. Maybe a bad example, but I can't imagine a clutch player like David Ortiz doing that. Then again I'm not certain if David Ortiz has the athleticism to jump in the first place.

另外傳來一則不好的消息是,新秀強投 Humberto Sanchez 本週三去動了手肘靭帶置換手術,今年球季確定報銷。Peter Araham 在他的部落格把這場手術說得像是風簫簫兮易水寒,也難怪他的讀者好多人不以為然。
“Plenty of guys recover for tj to be even stronger. ”